Calendario de Eventos

L Lun

M Mar

X Mié

J Jue

V Vie

S Sáb

D Dom

5 eventos,

Brokerage Event & Matchmaking Platform of the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership for DUT Call 2022

EU-LAC Matchmaking event on pharmaceuticals and a High-Level Forum

Brokerage Event and Cooperation Platform focusing on Horizon Europe Cluster 4

Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy & Mobility Brokerage Event

Pitch&Partner 2023 – HTH Styria

6 eventos,

7 eventos,

Brokerage Event Defence Industry Development: Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs

5 eventos,

6 eventos,

FUTUREBUILD 2023, el evento líder en innovación de productos en la industria de la construcción

7 eventos,

IPEC 2023: International Production Environmental Community

5 eventos,

6 eventos,

Horizon Europe Cluster 1: Health Brokerage Event

5 eventos,

6 eventos,


X Evento de networking FPCM Connect

5 eventos,

6 eventos,

Feria Energy Med 2023

Feria Energy Med 2023

Feria Energy Med 2023

Feria Energy Med 2023